School districts are taking important steps to addressing a critical shortage of teachers of color through the CREC Teacher Residency Program (TRP).
The RESC Alliance is working to spread the successful program throughout the state of Connecticut. The TRP offers an alternate route to certification aimed at eliminating barriers that have led to a significant shortage of teachers of color throughout the state. It is open to applicants of color who have earned a bachelor’s degree and demonstrate a strong commitment to children. It is currently limited to elementary school teaching candidates, but may expand to other age groups and content areas over the next few years.
The TRP model removes financial burdens by paying residents during their year of working and learning alongside a mentor teacher. These mentor teachers provide on-the-job training and support to residents who must complete coursework in the summer and evening classes during the school year. The coursework is designed to lead candidates to success as teachers. Upon successfully completing the program as well as passing certification exams, participants will be eligible for full-time teaching positions in the participating school districts. Once teachers are hired by their host school districts, the program will continue to provide support and guidance throughout the first year of their new careers.
The Teacher Residency Program was created by CREC, the RESC that serves the north central region of the state, including Hartford and its suburbs. CREC’s first cohorts produced 26 new teachers of color. Now, fellow RESCs are bringing the program to their respective regions to partner in this mission.
“We’re seeking to create a new generation of teachers. This new generation will give students of color an opportunity to see themselves in their teachers and an opportunity for all to recognize the value in diversity in education,” said Marlene Megos, Director of CREC’s Teacher Residency Program.
CREC, ACES. CES, and LEARN are accepting applications online through March 5, with the next cohort set to begin in June.
For more information, click the following: Teacher Residency Program PDF