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A Trauma-Informed Care Training Program for Schools

Regional Trauma Coordinators

Regional Trauma Coordinators provide support for creating, strengthening, and implementing systemic trauma-informed practices in Connecticut schools. 

Dana Bossio, M.A., Sixth-Year Professional Diploma



Dana Bossio earned her Master’s degree and Sixth Year Certificate in School Psychology from the University of Connecticut and is a certified school psychologist and Regional Trauma Coordinator for Cooperative Educational Services (CES). Prior to joining CES in 2021, Dana worked for the Fairfield Public Schools as a school psychologist for 10 years before transitioning to the role of Teacher Leader for School Psychology and Social Work in 2017. She has extensive experience in supporting students, staff, and families by providing consultation and support in a number of priority areas (e.g., training coordination/development, comprehensive and equity-focused assessment, dyslexia, autism, social-emotional learning, resilience/wellness practices, etc.). An advocate for school-based trauma-informed practice and suicide prevention/postvention, Dana has worked collaboratively to develop and implement system-wide initiatives focused on student wellness, including universal screening and MTSS. Dana serves as a voting member of the CT Suicide Advisory Board, and is an active participant in a number of organizations in Fairfield County committed to supporting students and families both in the community and at school.

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Jennifer Harris, M.S., Sixth-Year Certificates in School Psychology and Educational Leadership

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Jennifer Harris holds active certifications in both School Psychology and Intermediate Administration and Supervision and spent the last 16 years working as a School Psychologist before taking a position with EdAdvance and the role of Regional Trauma Coordinator.  Jennifer is passionate about providing students with a quality education that meets both their academic and social-emotional needs and supports all school staff's health and well-being. Jennifer’s strength is connecting with students and staff and ensuring that social-emotional needs are met so children are available for instruction and staff feels prepared to reach their students.

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Tianna Hill, MSW



Tianna L. Hill is the Regional Trauma-Informed Care Coordinator at LEARN Regional Educational Service Center. She received her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Connecticut and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Goucher College. Tianna’s experiences have included project management for school districts to support positive school climate, therapeutic support for children in foster care, case management for adults with co-occurring disorders, and supervision of youth involved with the Department of Juvenile Justice. She has written several publications on topics addressing systems change and evidence-based practices and has extensive knowledge of trauma-informed care, mental health,  juvenile justice, adolescent development, and research methods. Currently, she serves on two boards, the University of Connecticut School of Social Work Board of Champions and AHEC Urban Service Track Alumni Advisory Committee; previously, she served as Chair of DEI and recruitment for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI CT).

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Diana Perry, PsyD, LPC



Dr. Diana Perry serves as the Regional Trauma Coordinator for Capitol Region Education Council (CREC). She also sits on the Steering Committee for CT’s Trauma-Informed School Mental Health (TISMH) Task Force. Prior to CREC, Diana was a Senior Project Coordinator for the Child Health and Development Institute (CHDI). In this role, she provided statewide and team-specific training, clinical & implementation consultation, and technical assistance for schools and districts interested in offering evidence-based, trauma-focused groups to their student body. Before CHDI, Dr. Perry was a clinician for 12 years. In those years, she served in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs, outpatient clinics, and/or schools located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, San Francisco, New Haven, and West Haven. Diana has developed a firm understanding of the stress and resilience that trauma exposure can produce. She believes that if every level of a system has support to engage in dialogue internally and externally about trauma exposure & toxic stress, then that system will be more capable of making the changes that are necessary for prioritizing relationships and practices that are safer and more equitable.

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Cynthia Ratchelous, M.S., Sixth-Year Certificate in Educational Leadership



Cynthia Ratchelous serves as the Regional Trauma Director for the Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES) catchment. Before earning her Sixth-Year Certificate in School Leadership from Southern Connecticut State University, Cynthia received her Master’s degree in Special Education from Southern Connecticut State University and a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education from the University of Connecticut. Prior to her role as Regional Trauma Director, Cynthia worked for more than 14 years as an ACES building administrator at ACES Mill Road School which is a PK-8 school that serves students with significant behavioral, social and emotional and challenges. While at Mill Road School, she led the development of a pilot trauma informed classroom program which was so successful that the model was adopted school-wide.

Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) are nonprofit, fee-for-service, public education agencies.Their mission is to provide quality, cost-effective education resources, programs, and services to the state’s public schools. The RESC Alliance exists to create greater access to resources and savings for all Connecticut public schools. 

© 2024 RESC Alliance

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